Far from the 4/4 beat of incessant bass and lisp of slick percussion that characterizes most catwalk music, Lotus Lotus Lotus is an evocative journey in sound through everything that makes us feel at home on this planet. Deep, soothing, seeking, affirming - Lotus Lotus Lotus tells the story of that most ancient, mysterious, and yet familiar, of trips, that of humankind through time and through its own stories.
Lotus Lotus Lotus
1. Tohka (Eastern Flower)
2. ours
3. Daichi no Sakebi (Earth Cry)
4. Seventh Sky
5. Tohka ("Eastern Flower"), Maki Mix (bonus track)
About Moonbow
Hagi, composer and computer programmer, and Latyr Sy, percussionist and vocalist, set up moonBOW as a unique unit combining programming, African-inspired percussion, and voice.
Ethnic and ambient sounds by Hagi join with beats and vocals by Latyr Sy. Hagi's digital mastery and Latyr Sy's vocal passion merge as complimentary worlds, combining to give birth to a sound deeply rooted in the soil of home, but that breathes the air of the entire Earth.
moonBOW evokes a rainbow in the moonlit night sky - the phenomenon dreams are woven of.