Burst Beast is a deluxe, hardback collection of eighteen gay Japanese manga by the artist Seizo Ebisubashi. It is the quintessential collection of gachi-muchi (pronounced "gatchy-moochy"), i.e. "muscly-chubby," genre of gay Japanese manga.
This tome is an adventure through the world of hairy, rotund, stout, muscled, bearded, mustachioed, uniformed, often bespectacled, men's men. Cock galore, rammed, along with fingers, into mouths and up asses, with plenty of gagging, aggression and howling - but lots of sweaty kisses and cuddles too. (There is a particularly touching scene in "Deo Gratias!" between an impossibly macho Italian and his Japanese counterpart negotiating their lust in broken Italian!)
Seizo Ebisubashi's style somewhat reflects his subject matter in that it is a comparatively naive style: straightforward and uncontrived.
Worth buying even just for the full-on full-color frontispiece!
271 pages, hardback, B&W with color cover and frontispiece.
LIMITED STOCK REMAINS (Print run now over)